Child Safety Seat Tips
There are several car seat types, and they are designed for different age groups. We recommend advancing to the next stage as late as possible. For example, a 6-year-old can use both a forward-facing car seat and a booster seat, but we recommend using a forward-facing car seat until your child is too big for it, because it is a safer option. Every car seat is rated for a minimum and maximum weight, so please follow those guidelines. It is also important that the harness/belts rest on the chest and shoulders, not on the neck.

Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
For help buying an appropriate car seat, you can visit the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website or
Please follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration also has a page with installation instructions and videos.
For Free Car Seat Installation or Inspections:
- Call your local fire department
- Car Seat Inspection Locator
- NHTSA Car Seat Inspection Locator